October 4th at 7pm |
Indicate whether male or female, children or staff, you are able to house.
Boys and girls will not be sent to the same household.
If a single household, children and staff of the same gender must be requested.
No boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other household relationship is permitted during their stay.
While pets are allowed, please indicate this on the form. At least two homes without pets is preferred.
Children and staff are not permitted to leave with host families until all paperwork is complete.
Thank you for choosing to open your home to the children and chaperones of the African Children's Choir. Please fill out this form to provide additional details for their stay.
October 4th at 7pm
Indicate whether male or female, children or staff, you are able to house.
Boys and girls will not be sent to the same household.
If a single household, children and staff of the same gender must be requested.
No boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other household relationship is permitted during their stay.
While pets are allowed, please indicate this on the form. At least two homes without pets is preferred.
Children and staff are not permitted to leave with host families until all paperwork is complete.
Thank you for choosing to open your home to the children and chaperones of the African Children's Choir. Please fill out this form to provide additional details for their stay.